Cake, Lucy and Love

Today is my grand-dog Lucy's birthday. Lucy is 2 years old and during those two years, she has managed to transform me into a dog person. I love Lucy and because of her, I look at other dogs in new and different ways. However, I am convinced Lucy is special. She has eyes that look into your soul and she knows, she just knows. For her birthday, I offered to bake her a cake. She knew I would. I googled dog birthday cakes and more recipes came up than you could imagine. I settled on one that had ingredients I happened to have in my cupboard. It also sounded like something I would enjoy eating too (yep, I'm that kind of dog person). The recipe called for flour, honey, peanut butter, egg and applesauce; all good stuff. I whipped up some fresh cream for a dollop of "frosting" and bought a number 2 candle to top it off. Then we celebrated! Even though I have that grandma tendency to overfeed those I love, I gave her a small piece to enjoy and my daughter froze the rest ...